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Meet Jody

8 Jan

This is Jody, my easy-going, problem-solving, hard-working husband.  He is the reason for this blog.  That said, let me introduce you to him, or rather, let him introduce himself through some fun Q & A.

What makes you unique?

I have Cystic Fibrosis

What is important to you in life?

Family & my relationship with God

What do you do for fun?

Woodworking & remodel my 1930’s home.

What’s your favorite indoor/outdoor activity?


If you could choose to stay a certain age forever, what age would it be?

40; it’s in between

What is one quality you admire most in others?

Loyalty & love for the Lord.

What bad habit would you be willing to give up if it guaranteed you would live to be 100?

Biting my nails

What is your favorite thing to eat?


If you had to evacuate your house immediately, what is the one thing you would grab on the way out?

How much time do I have?

If you could have a luncheon with any three people (real or fictitious/from any time period/dead or alive), which three people would you choose?

1.  Jesus

2.  Noah – I want to know how he built the ark

3.  Harrison Ford

What did you do growing up that got you into trouble?

I played a practical joke that resulted in 10 days of in-school suspension.

What is your biggest fear or worry?

Leaving my family.

What would people be surprised to know about you?

That I’m 40 (people always think I’m 30).

Well there you have it, Jody in a nutshell.  I think he’s a pretty awesome guy, and feel blessed to be sharing my life with him, Cystic Fibrosis and all.

Hello World!

16 Dec

Hello friends, family, and those unknown to me who stumble upon this blog!  I am new to the blogging world and this is my very first post so bear with me as I strive to figure out how it all works.  The primary use of this blog will be to keep you updated on the health of my husband of 7.5 years, who lives with Cystic Fibrosis (CF), a chronic lung disease.  In future posts I will introduce you to Jody (my husband), give you an overview of life with CF, and will bring you up to date on Jody’s current health.

Thanks for checking out my blog.  I would love to hear from you so please feel free to leave comments (especially words of encouragement when times are tough).  Lastly, if you want to receive automatic updates, please subscribe via email or RSS feeds.  Stay tuned… I’m looking forward to sharing our CF life with you!